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Courses we offer

Sixth Form courses Level 2/GCSE Entry Requirements
Art A level Art C
Art Photography A level Art C
Biology A level Science BB
Business A level (E-sgol) 5 GCSEs A*-C including Maths and English
Chemistry A level Science BB
Design Technology A level Studied DT
Drama A level Drama C and English C
English Literature A level English C
French A level (E-sgol) French C
Further Mathematics A level Mathematics B (higher tier)
Geography A level Geography C
Health and Social Care A level English C, Maths C + portfolio of other qualifications
History A level English C, Maths C + portfolio of other qualifications, history preferred
Hospitality BTEC subsidiary diploma English C, Maths C + portfolio of other qualifications
IT level 3 English C, Maths C, Computing or IT preferable
Mathematics A level Mathematics B (higher tier)
Medical Science Applied diploma Science BB
Music A level Music C
Music BTEC certificate Music C
Physical Education A level PE B
Physics A level Science BB
Religious Studies A level English C, Maths C + portfolio of other qualifications, RE preferred
Sociology A level B grade or above in GCSE English/Welsh (1st language)
Sport BTEC diploma English C, Maths C + portfolio of other qualifications
Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales English C, Maths C + portfolio of other qualifications
Welsh Second Language A level Welsh C

Course blocks:

Apply to Dyffryn Taf Sixth Form (online applications for 2024-25 are now closed). 

Contact the school, Mr Gareth Smith, Deputy Headteacher, for any late applications or amendments to current applications.  Sixth Form induction starts Wednesday 4th September, 8:45am, main hall.