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Welcome to the History Department

History is an exciting and stimulating subject which has something to offer all enquiring minds. It is taught by three very dynamic and experienced history teachers who all have a deep passion for the subject.

Key Stage 3

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Key Stage 4


Which teacher(s) should I see if I want more information about the course?

Miss Kucyj or Mrs. Rimmer

What course will I be following?

GCSE History (WJEC)

History Specification

What kinds of things will I study?

If you decide to study this diverse and exciting History course, you will have the opportunity to develop your chronological, enquiry and interpretation skills through studying three different units and the completion of a piece of coursework. Alongside this you will improve your knowledge and understanding of Welsh, British and International historical developments.

As a department we feel that learning and studying History is a very important part of our understanding of the world we live in today. As a result we have decided to tailor our History GCSE to cover aspects of modern history in depth as well as an overview of the last 500 years.

There will be four major topics studied throughout the two years:

  • Unit 1 – DEPRESSION, WAR AND RECOVERY, 1930-1951 This option focuses in depth on selected themes and issues surrounding the Second World War, notably economic depression, the impact of the war on Britain and Wales during the period 1930-1951. You will develop an awareness of how aspects of life in this period have been represented and interpreted through a range of sources including news clips, posters and written sources.


  • Unit 2 – GERMANY IN TRANSITION 1919 - 1939 This unit focuses on the themes and events relating to the Weimar and Nazi period in Germany. You will be required to consider the main social, economic and political challenges faced by the government in the aftermath of World War One and the impact of Nazism on German society up to the outbreak of war in 1939.


  • Unit 3 – CHANGES IN CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, c.1500 to the present day This option focuses thematically on the main trends in the history of crime and punishment in Britain from c.1500 to the present day. You will be required to consider the causes and types of crime, law enforcement, combating and punishment of crime and changing attitudes towards crime and punishment over time. This unit will cover topics such as rogues and vagabonds, smuggling, highway robbery and the death penalty.


  • Coursework Unit – An investigation into an issue of historical debate or controversy This unit is a two part written assignment based on an era of British history, for this year, the topic is Jack the Ripper; this work will be produced under controlled conditions within the classroom.

How will my work be assessed?

  • Unit 1 will be examined in 1 hour paper and will account for 25% of the final GCSE
  • Unit 2 will be examined in a 1 hour paper and will account for 25% of the final GCSE
  • Unit 3 will be examined in 1 hour 15 minute paper and will account for 30% of the final GCSE
  • Coursework Unit under controlled conditions (worth 20% of final marks)

How can I progress my learning in this subject after Year 11 and is this the course for me?

If you enjoy the experience of studying History at GCSE you can develop your skills and knowledge further by studying A level History with us here at Dyffryn Taf.

History gives you not only a thorough understanding of the wider world you are living in but also many essential skills which are regarded highly by universities and employers. 

The skills you develop studying GCSE History (eg. good oral and written communication, ability to be open-minded and put together a logical argument, critical thinking, objectivity, gathering, investigating and assessing material, condensing or expanding facts, ideas and arguments, using different types ofsourcesto cross-reference, basing conclusions on independent research, organising material in a logical and coherent way) give you an excellent platform from which to access a whole range of post-16 courses.

In short, History at GCSE level is a demanding yet very interesting and rewarding subject. It can certainly be an asset to any future career.

Key Stage 5

A Level Studies include: Politics and Protest 1780-1880, Weimar and Challenges 1918-33, Nazi Germany 1933-1945 and Social Change in Britain from 1880 to 1990.

In year 13, there is a piece of coursework which is an independent piece of work and is worth 20% of the final grade.

A significant number of our students continue their studies at Advanced and then go on to pursue it at Degree level.

Please click on the link button below for more information.


Extra Curricular

  • Every year two History students have the opportunity of visiting Auschwitz as part of a study visit organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust.
  • In 2018 a Year 8 pupils Tudor day was organised in association with St Davids Cathedral. The day was very well received by pupils, and it is hoped that this could become an annual event.
  • Remembrance Exhibition in Whitland.