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Welcome to the Art Department

The Department aims to give pupils the opportunity to research their own environment, culture and history, as well as that of others and support the development of skills in communication, developing aesthetic and appreciative senses, self-expression and decision-making. In Art, pupils use a wide variety of materials in 2 and 3D and explore ideas for outcomes through discussion and problem solving.


Key Stage 3

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Key Stage 4

Which teacher(s) should I see if I want more information about the course?

Mrs. Frost or Miss James

What course will I be following?

GCSE Art and Design (WJEC)

Art and Design Specification

What kinds of things will I study?

This is an exciting and challenging course. The work undertaken for GCSE does rely quite heavily on drawing; therefore, you will need to be prepared to spend time practising your drawing skills on a regular basis. Your drawings will then be developed into a wide range of ideas and media, including paint, print, collage, photography, sculpture and ceramics for your coursework unit.

You will develop an understanding of Art and Design by learning about a variety of artists, designers and craftspeople, building research and analytical skills about their work. You will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with an exciting range of 2 and 3D materials and techniques to improve your skills and develop pieces of work outside of your sketchbook. You will be encouraged to use your imagination to be creative and expressive in your personal responses. As part of your coursework, you will select your own theme and develop your unit.

How will my work be assessed?

Coursework: 60%

The course consists of one unit of coursework. This unit will be presented as a portfolio and is worth 60% of the final mark. You will select work for your portfolio. Within your portfolio, you will need to show an understanding of the theme chosen, through research which includes the work of others and demonstrate skills in a wide range of media, both 2D and 3D.

External Examination: 40%

This is worth 40% of your final mark and the exam board sets the questions. You will be given an exam paper and will select one question to work on for the exam unit. You will be given approximately 8 weeks preparation time and then will have a 10-hour examination, to produce a final outcome based on your preparation work.

How can I progress my learning in this subject after Year 11 and is this the course for me?

You can progress with your studies in Art and Design by studying A Level with us here in the Sixth Form at Dyffryn Taf.

An Art qualification shows that you are an imaginative, creative person who can manipulate materials and ideas effectively to solve problems. Art and Design will enhance your thinking skills and levels of communication, both of which are important in further education and the world of work.

There are career opportunities in graphics, textiles and fashion, 3D studies, photography, fine art and communication.

Art is an enjoyable but time consuming activity, so commitment to the subject is vital.

Key Stage 5

The following courses are offered at A-Level.

Please click on the relevant link button below.


Extra Curricular

After school Art Club:

After school Art sessions are offered to pupils at Key Stage 4 and 5 every Wednesday from 3:30pm – 5PM. This is extended in the Spring Term to Tuesdays and Wednesdays to coincide with External Exam preparation time for GCSE and A’ Level courses.

After school Art is offered to Key Stage 3 pupils from May onwards.

Lunch time Art:

Pupils are given the opportunity to develop their studies during their lunchtime or use it as catch-up time or to complete their homework tasks with their Art teacher on a daily basis.

Visiting Artists:

We regularly have visits from local artists to inspire our pupils. Keep an eye on our Twitter page for updates.


The Art Department has previously exhibited pupils’ work in the Art College in Carmarthen and more recently, Span Arts, Narberth, regularly showcases pupils’ project work in school.