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Gallwn, Gofalwn

Sixth Form Success with Post-16 Results

The staff and Governors at Dyffryn Taf would like to celebrate the success of all the students who received their post-16 results today, at A Level, AS Level and in BTEC and the WBQ.

Sixth students collected their results this morning with Yr13 first in through the door at 8:00am. They were followed by Yr12 collecting AS results. Some notable successes:

● Rhian Allen achieved an A* in English Literature as well as A grades in the WBQ, French and Religious Studies. Rhian will study French and Politics at Edinburgh University.

● Cas Boyd achieved a Double Distinction (equivalent to two A grades) in BTEC Sport, along with a B grade in the WBQ and a C grade in English Literature. Cas plans to study Sport and Exercise Science in the University of Wales Trinity Saint David

● Alisha Carpenter achieved A grades in History and the WBQ, as well as B grades in English literature and Religious Studies. Alisha plans to study Law at Cardiff University.

● Outgoing Head Boy Montgomery Clarke achieved an A* in Geography, as well as B grades in the WBQ and Biology. He also achieved a C grade in Mathematics. Monty plans to study Zoology at Exeter University

● Freya Evans achieved an A* in P.E. as well as A grades in Medical Science and the WBQ. She also achieved a B grade in Biology. Freya will be studying Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough University.

● Jess Lee achieved A grades in P.E. and the WBQ alongside a B grade in Medical Science. Jess intends to study Sport Science, Coaching and Physical Education at Loughborough University.

● Elizabeth Pritchard achieved an A grade in History, as well as B grades in English literature and the WBQ. She also achieved a C grade in Art. Elizabeth will study costume design in London.

● Jack Reohorn achieved an A grade in D&T Product Design, along with B grades in Physics, Mathematics and the WBQ. Jack will be taking a gap year before embarking on a course in engineering in Cardiff University.

● Outgoing Head Girl Hettie Russell achieved A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Hettie will be starting a course in Veterinary Studies at Bristol University.

● Aeron Williams achieved a Double Distinction (equivalent to two A grades) in BTEC Sport, alongside C grades in Medical Science and the WBQ. Aeron plans on taking a gap year before making a decision regarding further education.


Hoffai staff a Llywodraethwyr Dyffryn Taf ddathlu llwyddiant yr holl fyfyrwyr a dderbyniodd eu canlyniadau ôl-16 heddiw, yn Lefel A, Lefel AS ac yn BTEC a CBC. Yn erbyn cefndir o gynnwrf ac ansicrwydd aruthrol dros y tair blynedd diwethaf, mae’r myfyrwyr wedi gweithio’n galed, wedi dangos gwytnwch gwirioneddol ac wedi cyflawni llwyddiant haeddiannol. O ystyried y cefndir hwnnw, ni fyddwn yn cyhoeddi trosolwg o’r canlyniadau – rydym yn falch o lwyddiant pob myfyriwr. Fodd bynnag, hoffem rannu rhai llwyddiannau nodedig:Please enter some content for your news story here.