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Gallwn, Gofalwn

Pastoral Care

One of our aims at Dyffryn Taf is to promote the emotional and mental well-being of our whole school community by creating an environment where everyone can thrive, learn and develop socially and emotionally. Pupils’ well-being is supported by some key members of staff, including their Form Tutor. The Form Tutor is pupils’ first point of contact every single school day. In each year, the team of Form Tutors is led by the Head of Year. The Heads of Year have overall responsibility for pupils’ welfare and progress within their respective year groups; the same Head of Year will remain with their year group from year 8 through to year 11, ensuring continuity of care. Heads of Year are also the main point of contact for parents to discuss the well-being and progress of their child. Supporting the Heads of Year in their pastoral duties is a team of Pastoral Guidance Officers and the school’s Lead Behaviour and Wellbeing Support Officer. Much of the work of the pastoral team is conducted in an area of the school known as Lles (Wellbeing). Lles is a learning space for pupils who need support with social, emotional and behavioural needs, providing a nurturing environment to help young people experience achievement and success.