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Gallwn, Gofalwn

Head Teacher's Welcome

It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Ysgol Dyffryn Taf. 

Dyffryn Taf is a successful, 11-18 comprehensive school located in the heart of beautiful West Wales. We are proud of the history of the school and the values Dyffryn Taf has promoted for many years. Our vision for the school is “Gallwn, gofalwn”, “We can, we care”. This complements our longstanding motto, “I Fyny Fo’r Nod”, “Reach For The Highest”. We try hard to make that vision a reality by encouraging staff and pupils to work in partnership, to aim high and to look after each other. We believe in hard work and high standards. We expect pupils to display good behaviour and to show respect towards themselves, their peers and staff. Our aim is that Dyffryn Taf is a harmonious community which is inclusive, tolerant and diverse, whilst also being united by a shared ethos and goals.

High quality teaching and learning is at the core of our school. We aim to combine the best traditions of the school with innovation in teaching and the curriculum to develop the skills, resilience and flexibility required for pupils to succeed in the modern world.

Whilst we teach mostly through the medium of English, we are proud to celebrate the Welsh language and Welsh culture. This includes a class in each year group in the lower school which receives some of its lessons through the medium of Welsh.

Every child is encouraged not only to fulfil their potential but to push expectations of what that potential could be. We will support your child to do this and we aim to do so by working in partnership with you as parents and carers. We value formal opportunities for dialogue, such as parent/carer evenings and other informal channels. Dyffryn Taf is a school where we will always make staff members available to help you in the interest of your child.

Alongside our commitment to achieving standards, we also place great emphasis on the wider aspects of school life. We believe that clubs, teams and opportunities or visits outside the classroom and school enhance young people. Our aim is that wherever your child’s talent lies, Dyffryn Taf will seek to nurture it, providing him, her or them with a platform to represent the school and to develop as a person.

We want our pupils to enjoy and be proud of the school. We also seek to provide them with the skills they need to meet the needs of the economy and to thrive within an increasingly competitive environment. We want to see our learning reflect our cynefin, our culture and our communities, being distinctly Welsh whilst looking outwards locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

At Dyffryn Taf we are proud to be ambitious and forward thinking. We want everyone who joins us to share that ambition, so that together we can achieve great things.

Mr. Alun Owen

Head Teacher