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Gallwn, Gofalwn

School Vision

The shared vision of the Dyffryn Taf School Community

Gweledigaeth ar y cyd am Gymuned Ysgol Dyffryn Taf

The “We” in this context, refers to the staff of the school, working in close partnership with our pupils and their families. It is an enabling attitude that underpins all the work that we do as a school. It is the mindset and approach that will drive the realisation of the ambition contained within the Curriculum for Wales, supporting pupils to develop in the Four Core Purposes of Learning. These behaviours will support our young people to develop higher standards of literacy and numeracy, to become more digitally and bilingually competent, and to be confident, capable and compassionate citizens - citizens of the local community, Wales and the World.

“Gallwn/we can” speaks to the high aspirations we have for our staff and young people and the ambition we want them to have for themselves and each other. It is the idea that every pupil and staff member is entitled to be supported in recognising their own, inherent potential and the responsibility that we, as a school community hold, in nurturing an environment where that potential can be realised; Dyffryn Taf is a place of continuous learning for all. In short, every staff member and pupil should be a leader in promoting a culture of open mindedness, ambition and high aspiration, where making mistakes is embraced as a key component in learning and progression.

“ Gofalwn, we care” speaks to our commitment to cater for the unique individual, social and academic needs of all our pupils and staff members. Informed by the new Health and Wellbeing framework, it forms the basis of  our whole school approach to supporting the physical, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing of all at Dyffryn Taf. Every interaction should take place against the backdrop of this idea of us caring for one another. It also speaks to the idea that we care, because it really matters that we have the requisite care for each other and our journey to be the best version of ourselves.

“Gallwn gofalwn, we can, we care'' outlines our vision and clear commitment to excellence, equity and wellbeing.

What does this actually look like?

For teachers and learning support staff it means really knowing our pupils - understanding their potential and planning learning activities that ensure all are stretched, challenged and supported in line with their ability. It means taking the time and care to build positive relationships for learning and being relentlessly consistent in the application and reinforcement of school expectations. It also requires staff to model expected behaviours. It means being an advocate of school policies and approaches, but also to contribute to the shaping of those policies constructively.

It will require all the staff of the school to be leaders at every level, of our classes, our form group, our areas of responsibility.

For associate staff this means recognising that all adults in schools are employed to work for the benefit of young people. There are no jobs that exist in schools separate from the needs of young people. It also means trying at all times to show care and compassion in what we do, recognising that every interaction with a child or a family needs to model the values we aspire to.

For all of us this means recognising that we all have both individual and collective responsibility to try to promote the school’s vision and to recognise that care and ambition should permeate all our work and our working relationships.